You can call us at 020 7933 2626
Checkmate was designed from the ground-up to be a naturally low-carbon business. The whole Checkmate team work from home, to reduce any unnecessary daily travel to a central and regional office network. The business operates on a paperless basis where everything is completed online and via electronic document formats.
Checkmate committed to be a Carbon Neutral business from the day it opened its doors in 2010 and ever since it has undergone an annual independent review and assessment. As part of the assessment Checkmate drives its own internal carbon reduction plan and then annually off-sets its unavoidable emissions through Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) offset credits. In accordance with the British Standards Institute PAS2060 requirements Checkmate meets the standards required to be classified Carbon Neutral.
Separately to the VCS credits Checkmate has also sponsored a tree planting scheme in a village in Kenya.
Checkmate is rightly proud to be a Carbon Neutral business since the day it opened for business in 2010. Click here to see our latest PAS2060 accreditation.
In addition to the formalities of maintaining its Carbon Neutral status Checkmate has applied its innovative and creative side in relation to its marketing activities. Instead of traditional magazine advertising or sponsoring industry shows, Checkmate plants 100 native, broad-leaved trees every month in the UK at various public parks and woodlands, in partnership with
In April 2023 we planted 100 Scots Pine trees in Knoydart Peninsula, The Scottish Highlands, Scotland bringing the total number of trees we've planted to
12,200 is a not for profit organisation that was set up in 2006 to help combat climate change, regenerate neglected urban spaces and create new woodlands. They have a strong focus on community-based projects and rely entirely on volunteers giving their time and expertise to start and manage their projects. They work on carbon reduction, carbon offsetting, tree planting, urban regeneration and urban food growing projects.
Checkmate worked with to create a 10th Birthday celebration with a difference. Checkmate invited colleagues and customers to join a live tree planting exercise in East London. As Checkmate had been providing 10-Year policies for Ten Years, the team collectively planted 100 trees to celebrate!
Instead of traditional magazine advertising Checkmate wants to do some good and supports other conservation projects such as Drive 4 Wildlife.
Recently Checkmate has sponsored the Drive 4 Wildlife initiative which has created an Anti-Poaching and Animal Rescue vehicle and delivered this to a dedicated full time team in Uganda.
Checkmate’s donation has helped to create and deliver an anti-poaching and animal rescue vehicle to Uganda. Please contact the Checkmate team who’ll be delighted to share photos and success stories of the adventures in Africa.