
Lockton Companies LLP has exited the latent defects (home warranty) market, having initially paused the sale of new home warranty policies in summer 2022.

As the Checkmate brand is continuing under new ownership, the Code and Lockton Companies LLP will refer to the Checkmate home warranty body as Lockton Checkmate to minimise the risk of confusion.

Existing Lockton Checkmate customers, including developers that have bought policies for homes which are not yet built or completed, will not be affected. All existing policies, such as Castle 10, Bishopsgate 10 and Collective 10, sold to developers prior to August 2022 remain active and the Consumer Code for Home Builders will continue to apply for the Castle 10 policies, once these properties have been reserved. This means builders will still need to comply with the Code and consumers will still have access to the additional protection the Code offers.

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